Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Looking for my next home

I started south from Indianapolis, through Kentucky, Tennessee, AL and on down to Florida, looking for my new home. It had been a long time since I had done any camping, so decided to do that along the way. I had my bike with me of course, a companion I have come to love when driving all around these United States. When you get tired of driving, just stop somewhere interesting and go for a bike ride. Went to Pensacola and worked with a broker there; not really finding what I was looking for, my searches took me to North Carolina, Louisiana, and Texas; where I finally found the Irwin 37 ft Center Cockpit in fair condition; which is what I wanted and is now my home. While in Florida a hurricane was predicted and the camp ground where I was camping was being evacuated, so I headed out of Florida in front of the storm in drenching rain and howling winds - for LA and TX. Decided not to stop in LA; much too close to the storm for my liking, so I drove on over to Texas, stopping overnight 'somewhere' and got to Kemah/Seabrook where my soon to be new home was laying in at the Blue Dolphin Marina. I decided I had enough camping - almost two weeks - so rented a by the week motel and set about the closing process for my boat. My broker, Jerry Muldar and his wife Karol were a big help not only by getting me into my new home but they introduced me to the Galveston Bay Parrot Head Club, which I joined - what a great bunch! Getting moved aboard was interesting - I learned how much extra (I can live without this) stuff I had and settled in to learning, once again, how to live aboard. What a great life once you "get the hang out of it" (as my German daughter-in-law re-phrases). The boat's name was Redondo Peach - anyone know what that means? But that is still another story!

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