When I bought ny 'new home', her name was Redondo Peach (mentioned earlier) and she is now my second Smiles To Go - or as I named her this time Smiles II Go, since she is the second one. I had been living on her for about a year and the last half of that year griping about not having enough room. I didn't have as much stowage space on this 37 footer as I did on my 32 O'Day - and I was about ready to put her up for sale and get another O'Day. About that time Mike arrived on the scene and looked her over, in his nautical/areonatutical way of thinking said "Mom, you have an awsome boat and I will get you some more storage space". So it was in March 2005 when the refit began. One thing lead to another, taking out old air conditioners that were using both my hanging closets and replacing two smaller units in more acceptable places, giving me two hanging lockers. The wiring was such an awful mess, so Mike, being an electronics technician for FedEx, wiring and rewiring planes a lot bigger than my boat, began the complete rewiring of the boat - 12 volt system and 120 volt system. I now have two 120 volt connections to marina power, two new control panels and a new 12 volt panel. My computer surge protecter even has it's own circuit and is wired directly into the 120 volt panel. Lots of terminals around to control the power surges and the wiring down through the mast is new, as well as new mast lights. They are really cool - one points to the bow of the boat and the other onto my favorite reading spot in the cockpit - so I can read outside at night - that is when the bimini is not up! Then we started on the wood and some more storage place - lots of teak dollars. The aft cabin now has two hanging lockers (instead of one), a 'foot locker' at the foot of my bunk for bedding, an extra medicine cabinet in the aft head (smaller than the original), a long row of cabinets along the port bulkhead with four door openings into it - for folded clothing, a small cabinet under the original hanging closet which has an electrical outlet for charging flashlights, or other handhelds that need charging, and one other cabinet (not sure what for yet, as it isn't finished - but I'm sure I will find something for it). I have posted a LOT of pictures on Flickr during this refit. They sure do need organizing, but I have nearly 1200 pictures and that is big time organizing.